Each of the values and norms finds expression in the principles by which we live. These are portrayed in the attitudes which determine our behaviour.


In die Noordelike voorstede, met die majestueus Tafelberg in die agtergrond, staan ‘n skool met onwrikbare waardes en ‘n strewe na uitnemendheid. A School with a vision to provide quality education and excellence through innovation and diversity. By embracing our FIRE Values, we build a positive character that keeps us motivated and inspired. Ons skep ‘n ruimte waar elke Stellenberg-leerder toegerus word om die wêreld met selfvertroue, kennis en vaardighede aan te pak. Ons gee om, is inklusief, gefokus om dissipline te handhaaf en strewe daarna om lewens te verryk. Die skool bied ‘n veilige tuiste waar menswees eerste gestel word. Well-educated and experienced staff offer vibrant and interactive lessons. Our brilliant teachers engage well with our learners: intellectually and socially. 

At Stellenberg we challenge our learners with a 21st century way of thinking. We motivate them to give of their best and to follow their dreams. Ons leerders word die geleentheid gegun om hulle vermoëns en talente te ontwikkel deur deelname aan ‘n breë spektrum aktiwiteite soos: sport, kultuur en leierskapsontwikkeling. Leerders wat aan ‘n verskeidenheid akademiese en buitekurrikulêre aktiwiteite deelneem, ontwikkel as gebalanseerde jongsmense wat hulle volle potensiaal kan verwesenlik. We want our learners to live with a positive mindset; focused on the future. We want them to feel inspired; to strive for excellence and to reach for the stars!


The story of Stellenberg High School

‘n Wete van behoort


September 1985. The first teacher-parent meeting was held in the school hall of Gene Louw Primary School.

There had been no talk yet of school clothes, staff, policy, disciplinary and academic codes, school song, vision or mission. Stellenberg High School only had a Principal, Mr Siebert Neethling, and three Heads of Department, namely: Sakkie van Niekerk (Department Head of Economic Science), Johan Pretorius (Department Head of Mathematics) and Mrs de Villiers (Department Head of Natural Science), who formed the top level of management. The first chairperson of the governing body was Reverend Koch. Dit sal op hierdie persone se skouers rus om die aanvoorwerk te doen sodat daar uit hierdie rou klip en sand iets tot stand kom voordat die akademiese jaar in Januarie 1986 begin.

Mnr. Neethling en mev. Davidson (skoolsekretaresse) se termyn het 1 Oktober 1985 begin. Laerskool Gene Louw het hulle tydelik geakkommodeer totdat hulle permanent na hul kantore by Stellenberg kon skuif. The school opened its doors in 1986 to 316 Grade 8 and 9 Stellenberg boys and girls, respectively (dressed) in grey shorts, navy-blue skirts, and white shirts. Sixteen staff members (selected with great care) were appointed from 500 applicants. Die eerste skooldag in die bestaan van die skool het begin met ‘n saalbyeenkoms in die saal van die NGK Stellenberg. Die skool se naam was aanvanklik die Hoërskool Stellenryk. Die voorsitter van die beheerliggaam het skrywes van die ouers ontvang dat die skool se naam na die Hoërskool Stellenberg of Hoërskool Eversdal verander moet word.

Die storie van Hoërskool Stellenberg

‘n Gees van vriendelikheid en dankbaarheid


At this stage, only construction on the B-block had been completed, which created huge obstacles. Through the cacophonous din and clamour of construction, education continued. Assemblies were held on the lawn outside and later in the quadrangle. An academic policy was established which formed the corner stone of the school. A disciplinary code appropriate to the eighties and nineties was adopted and after much grappling and a myriad of meetings the characteristic jade school dresses, navy-blue blazers, grey pants, white shirts, ties and badge were designed and approved. The motto of Stellenberg, Vivat Scientia (Let Knowledge Live) was created. Op 23 November 1987 het die destydse Eerste Minister van die RSA die skool amptelik geopen. In 1989 is die skoollied onder leiding van mnr. Johan Pretorius geskryf en getoonset. Dit was ‘n aandoenlike en onvergeetlike oomblik toe 980 gr. 8 – 12-leerders in ‘n saal wat binne drie jaar te klein geword het vir die skool, die skoollied vir die eerste keer sing.

Through the accounting and mathematical ingenuity of Mr Sakkie van Niekerk and Mr Johan Pretorius respectively, the school’s innovative Honorary Colours system came to fruition. Messrs Neethling, van Niekerk and Pretorius, established the foundation on which Stellenberg High School continues to build. In 1996 tot 2020 is mnr. Theo Boonzaaier aangestel as skoolhoof. In 2021 word mev. Yolandé Havinga aangestel as die eerste vroue-skoolhoof. Tans is daar 1 480 leerders ingeskryf by Hoërskool Stellenberg met ‘n akademiese personeel van 76. In its thirty-seven years’ existence, Stellenberg High School has achieved remarkable accomplishments. This dual- medium institution continues to strengthen its budding traditions, fashioned by passionate, proud Stellies. Ons bring hulde aan talle onderwysers en oudleerders, sommige reeds oorlede, wie se stemme en steeds in ons gange weerklink.

Mnr. S. Neethling

Oudskoolhoof (86-96)

Mnr. J. Pretorius

Oudadjunkhoof (86-96)

Mnr. S. van Niekerk

Oudadjunkhoof (86-96)

Mnr. T. Boonzaaier

Oudskoolhoof (86-96)


‘n Gevoel van tevredenheid

The school’s motto, badge and song reflect our aims. The school’s motto, Vivat Scientia, freely translated, means: “Let knowledge live”. As such, it
confirms our aim of transferring and acquiring knowledge in such a way that it will promote independent, productive thinking. Ons eenvoudige, dog treffende skoolwapen bevat twee kernmotiewe in silwer teen n agtergrond van varinggroen en pruimrooi. Die sentrale motief, ‘n antieke stoel, simboliseer die verwerwing en oordrag van kennis. ‘n Getande dwarsbalk verteenwoordig die kanteel of borswering van ‘n burg (vesting) en hou historiese verband met die oorspronklike plaasnaam, Stellenburg soos dit in 1705 geregistreer is in die naam van Johan Blessius. Gesamentlik dui die twee simbole op: 

  • die intellektuele weerbaarheid van diegene wat oor kennis en dinamiese denke beskik; 
  • die primêre funksie van die skool as ‘n veilige vesting wat intellektuele, geestelike en fisiese ontwikkeling bevorder.


‘n Lewenslange trots


Our school song, based on our motto, powerfully expresses that towards which we strive. It was written and composed by a committee of staff members and was officially introduced on 30 May 1989.

Laat lewe kennis in werk en spel

dit is wat ons leuse vra.

Ware ywer word met wysheid bekroon,

lewe dag na dag daarna.

As enkeling, dog eensgesind,

sal ons arbeidsvreugde vind.

Stellenberg ons streef na wat jy vra:

Vivat, Vivat Scientia.

May our tomorrows grow bright and clear,

from wisdom we have gained.

Responsible thus free we become

from ignorance unchained.

God’s power that has led thus far

will guide eternally.

Let our motto then forever be:

Vivat Vivat Scientia


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