Stellenberg Akademie

Hoërskool Stellenberg streef na uitnemendheid op alle akademiese terreine. Ons volg ‘n gemengdeleerbenadering waar ons leerders vir die wêreld daarbuite, asook die vierde Industriële Rewolusie, voorberei. Ons kweek met trots selfstandige en gedrewe leerders wat hul plek in die gemeenskap kan volstaan. Stellenberg High School is justly proud of the fine tradition of outstanding results in the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examinations. The consistent qualities of such results are a very real tribute to the partnership and commitment between learners, staff and parents.

Met sewe laboratoriums vir onderskeidelik fisiese en lewenswetenskappe, vyf moderne rekenaarsentrums, ‘n spogsentrum vir verbruikerstudies, twee kunslokale, moderne lokale vir dramatiese kunste en vele meer, is Hoërskool Stellenberg ‘n skool waar leerders effektief en vakgerig vir die toekoms voorberei word. Our extensive subject choice in the different fields of study shows our commitment to prepare learners beyond our classroom walls. We enhance your academic experience by offering the following:

  • 23 subjects in Grade 10-12 (FET Phase)
  • Choice subjects in Grade 8 and 9
  • Exposure to Auto CAD and Coding in Grade 9
  • Modern classrooms fitted with the latest devices
  • wifi-zone to enable and support e-learning
  • Highly skilled and committed educators in the classroom

Ons Professionele Ondersteuningsdienstespan bestaan uit ‘n Opvoedkundige Sielkundige, kundige Maatskaplike Werker en ‘n Voorligtingsielkundige wat ondersteuning bied in studievaardighede, akademiese leerondersteuning en spesifieke opvoedkundige behoeftes.  As proud parents and guardians, we want to give our children the best education, academic guidance and support possible. The choice is,therefore, very simple. If you want the best – give them the best, give them the opportunity of a life time: to be a part of Stellenberg High School!

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Klas van 2024/ Top 20-A-kandidate


Marizé de Bruyne


Almari Beukes


Anika Neethling


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

– Gandhi, activist


99.3% Toegang tot Tersiêre Studies


Kandidate met A-Gemiddelde


Subject Distinctions

Stellenberg Gemengdeleer

What you should know about a blended learning approach?

Die Hoërskool Stellenberg volg tans ‘n Gemengdeleerbenadering waar die onskatbare waarde van tradisionele  onderrigmetodes met nuwe e-leermetodes vervleg word. Klik asseblief op die skakel hieronder om ‘n kort video-aanbieding oor Hoërskool Stellenberg se e-leerbenadering te kyk. U kan ook die matriksstaafkode aan die einde van die brosjure skandeer om die video te kyk.

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We use Microsoft Teams and Office 365 as our educational platform

We use Microsoft Teams as the chosen e-platform to strengthen our Blended Learning Approach. Technology will never replace the teacher in the classroom; it will merely add value to the traditional way of teaching and prepare our learners for the 4th industrial revolution.

Learners are allowed to use electronic devices (iPads, tablets or laptops) responsibly, in class. (A list of suitable devices will follow). Learners will only be allowed to use devices (NO CELL PHONES) to access Teams with the permission of their subject teachers in the classroom. We want to urge parents to ensure that learners have suitable electronic devices at the start of the year.

Electronic devices may only be used to access Microsoft Teams or other educational applications when used in a classroom or on campus. All learning material, subject resources, support material, task-based assessments and learning applications will be shared, and school notifications posted, on Teams. Grade 8 learners will receive Teams training at the start of the year and the proper ethical behaviour, when using online platforms, will be emphasised.

The BYOD Policy

Wat het my kind in die klaskamer nodig:

Wi-Fi is gratis by die skool beskikbaar vir opvoedkundige doeleindes. Leerders kan alle leermateriaal, bronmateriaal en assesseringsopdragte by die skool aflaai sodat hulle tuis, sonder die noodsaaklikheid van data, hulle opdragte en huiswerk kan voltooi.

What my child needs in the classroom:

Learners may bring any device with a minimum specification of 32 GB storage plus Wi-Fi to school. Devices should be between 5”-15” in size to be sufficiently productive whilst remaining as portable as possible. If you choose a tablet or iPad, a keyboard is recommended. Battery life to last the school day (6-7 hours) is critical.

Learners may consider any of the following devices:

  • Android Tablet/ Microsoft
  • Surface Go/Pro
  • Windows Laptop
  • Chromebook Laptop
  • iPad range (mini iPad, iPad, iPad Pro)

All Grade 8 learners are required to use the Lenovo ThinkPad 2-in-1 device, a robust and versatile refurbished laptop/tablet hybrid with a stylus. This device is specifically chosen for its compatibility with our digital learning platforms and its ability to support the comprehensive academic program. Each device comes preloaded with essential educational software, including Office 365, and is managed by the school to ensure online safety and seamless functionality. The refurbished device, which must be purchased through the Karri app, comes with a three-year warranty, covering any necessary repairs. With this reliable, high-performance device, learners are well-prepared to engage fully with their education.

Wat is die verantwoordelikheid van die leerder?

Leerders moet elke dag getrou hulle klaswerk voltooi. Die vakonderwyser sal spesifieke instruksies gee vir die gebruik van die gewone klaswerkboek volgens die behoeftes van die betrokke vak. Die onderwysers sal die nodige klasnotas, PowerPoints, videolesse, hulpbronne en assesseringsopdragte op Teams laai in kanale waar leerders dit maklik kan aflaai of selfs aanlyn daaraan kan werk. Hierdie leermateriaal sal egter eers op Teams aan leerders beskikbaar gemaak word sodra ‘n module of leseenheid afgehandel is. Elke vakspan sal self bepaal wanneer leermateriaal op Teams gelaai sal word. Parents must monitor their child’s online behaviour at home and ensure that they use devices responsibly.

Learners are responsible for the safekeeping of their electronic devices when they are at school. Lockers will be provided and may be rented from the school at a minimal cost. “Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future.”

Centre for Enriched Learning

Stellenberg High School launched a new initiative in 2022: The Centre for Enriched Learning (CEL). The aim of this initiative is to provide our learners with an opportunity to enhance their learning experience at school. The additional enrichment courses will teach the learners valuable skills that will help to prepare them for life after school.


Centre for Academic Enrichment

Ons moderne i-Hublokaal word vir verskeie akademiese en verrykende doeleindes gebruikLeerders maak gedurende pouses, na-skool en tydens verrykende kursusse van hierdie lokaalgebruik om groepwerk, studie, huiswerk en navorsing te doen. Die sagte musiek en kunstige dekor skep ‘n gevoel van rustigheid en leerders gebruik dit om weg te kom van die geraas, sodat hulle op akademiese verryking kan fokus. Some learners use the venue during breaks and after school to enjoy the beautiful garden, to read a good book or just to converse with friends in a quiet environment. Ons i-Hub is voorwaar ‘n plek waar leerders rustig kan fokus, veilig voel en in ‘n akademies-stimulerende omgewing kan funksioneer.


Die i-Hub word ook gebruik vir die aanbieding van die Sentrum vir Verrykende Leer se
kursusse en werkswinkels, soos:

  • Crafting
  • Jewelry-making
  • Pewter Classes
  • Nasionale maatstaftoetsopleiding vir universiteitsaansoeke (NBT Courses)
  • Pottery Classes
  • Dansklasse
  • Coding & Web Design
  • Leerlinglisensiewinkels
  • Dress and Pattern Making Courses
  • Editing and Copy Writing Courses
  • Creative Writing Courses



Uitruil beteken dat Duitssprekende leerders hulle horisonne verbreed, die wêreld in hulle huise inbring en hulle vlerke sprei. Wanneer die Kassel- en Ansbach-uitruilers ons besoek, leer ons leerders hulle eie stad beter ken en deel hulle ervarings met leerders uit ander wêrelddele.  Uitruil bring uitdagings en ook reusegeleenthede vir
groei en perspektiefontwikkeling – ‘n moet vir opvoeding!   

It is important that our children learn more about the world before they make life – changing and important career decisions. These exchange programmes present an ideal and protected platform and opportunity where young minds can meet and learn about other cultures. During these exchange programmes learners also explore the beauty of the German language and they can share their South African languages and cultural experiences with others. For more information, please contact Ms Christine Ferreira at:


Stellenberg en LISA (Linz Internasionale Skool) het ‘n uitruilooreenkoms wat al vir langer as 20 jaar staan. Dit is ‘n wonderlike manier om ‘n nuwe kultuur te ervaar, en ‘n ambassadeur vir Suid – Afrika te wees.  

Every second year Stellenberg High School hosts a group of learners from LISA for about ten days. We show them the beauty which Cape Town has to offer. Later that same year the Stellenberg learners who hosted learners from LISA, receives an opportunity to visit Austria for ten days where they stay with host families and experience Austria’s culture first hand.

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