Let asseblief daarop dat die aanlyn inligtingsvorm nie ‘n aansoekvorm is nie, maar slegs ‘n algemene inligtingsvorm om kommunikasie met ons ouers moontlik te maak. The online form is not compulsory. It is, however, important for us to ensure effective communication with our parents to communicate important dates regarding the admission process.
Let asseblief daarop dat alle aansoeke deur die WKOD se aanlyn proses ingedien moet word.
School admission process opens:
Parents/guardians must apply via the WCED’s online platform. All applicants MUST select/provide THREE choices for possible high schools to avoid any disappointment. The link will be available on the Stellenberg High School website, once it has been released by the WCED and activated.
School admission process closes.
School will process online applications received.
System displays the outcome of all online admission
Parents receive the outcome of the online admission
applications via email or SMS.
Parents confirm acceptance via email.
Schools will fill available placings.
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